If you think compliance is expensive,
try non-compliance.

U.S. Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty

Attaining resilience through compliance

Know Your Business Partners

Information gathering to prevent and combat economic crime and minimize reputational risks, is regarded as a critical investigative discipline. Cyber criminals are extremely intelligent, creative, and commit vast resources to the manipulation of relationships in order to realize their covert plans.

There are two essential prerequisites to effectively address compliance and reputational risks: information and experience.

Based on existing knowledge and the special requirements of each case, the REMARKABLE Compliance team develop a research strategy to create a comprehensive reservoir of information which ensures cost-efficiency and overall success in further investigations involving confidential sources.

REMARKABLE Compliance carries out numerous due diligence projects and compliance risk assessments in small and medium-sized enterprises every year. We also handle a wide variety of compliance incidents for large international corporations and investors.


Contact us to discuss
the added value
of our risk analysis!



Other Services

Procurement of court-actionable
information for arbitration
and civil proceedings

Discrete searches
for background information
and assets

Evaluation and validation
of electronic data sources